Filmed in Los Angeles in 2021, this is the first visual for an original poem. “Your presence inspires me. Brings hope to gilded dreams… Caresses […]
Category: Creative Writing
“Let us look outward, together, in the same direction… Sacrifice your doubts by going in – where I am found…”
“Painted faces, filtered fears; forced smiles from ear to ear. In illusions…”
“…I notice you watching me – Naked; as I leave this bed… As you pull me in, and tell me to rest… As I pour a cup of tea before we retreat for the evening…”
“Mosaic Hearts”
“My heart is a mosaic of broken pieces; past loves… Paints the walls of blank beginnings with life’s most vibrant hues…”
“…Speak your truth- how these treacherous tides got you spooked… ragged cloths; remnants of tailored suits, paid for with fool’s gold and a self-made noose…”
“…No time for games; don’t make me guess. Inside I know- what I reap I sowed, amongst the discomfort is where we grow…”
“That Woman”
“My emotions flow with the tides of the water. Moon child, maybe Oshun’s daughter. Blessings came from something wild I thought of…”
“I Love You, Now”
“I can’t give you life until I spark my light inside… It’s a lie that it was you – When I admired the parts of me I never knew. Our goodbye, my hello. The sweetest love note I ever wrote.”
“Sweet Nothings”
“I want to make love on balconies, savor the sweet indulgences of cuisines- tasting you after tasting me…Teaching me to control my irreligious yearnings. Bring me to my peak, lingering on naive and conscious reality…”