Intuitive Growth Coaching is a collaborative experience that has the potential to assist in creating a better sense of balance between logic, intuition and imagination – which is needed in order to thrive, despite expected and unexpected systemic and interpersonal challenges.

Dimensions of wellness that are highlighted in sessions may include: financial, environmental, physical, emotional/mental, socialcultural/intimate, occupational, spiritual/self-responsibility, and intellectual.

Who I Am (Coach): someone who supports you as you envision, create, and take mindful, intentional action towards your next steps in life; and, offers guidance through your transition(s), using an integrative health and wellness approach.

Who You Are (Client): someone who is willing to challenge your beliefs about your Self, life and society; open to trying something different, prepared to take action, and has the belief that there are more fulfilling experiences that exist for you in this lifetime.


Please note that my booking schedule shows my availability in EST (Eastern Standard Time) and book your appointment accordingly

“Skukura has an inexplicable and beautiful way of seeing you, the authentic you, and bringing your power to the surface even when you thought it was miles under the ground. She will spend as long as is needed to tease apart the complexity of experience, invigorated and curious by others’ words and stories and fueled with passion and wisdom to engage in fruitful and reflective discussion.” -Alex, Pennsylvania

Session Details

*Weekly or Twice-per-month 1:1 session

*Support throughout the week via text/email, as needed

*Access to special offers on services

*Goal-Setting and Accountability Partner

Sliding Scale Pricing Available